An elite editorial team, at your service.
A link to “Writing.coach” may have brought you here. Our company started with the website Writing.coach. We became a sought-after editorial team, known around the world for specializing in high-profile business writing.
Since then, we’ve expanded into publishing, book design, and non-business writing. But we still provide writing coaching for exciting projects. :)
No two coaching engagements are exactly alike. ❄️ We’ve experimented with many ways of standardizing our coaching process, but we’ve always landed on the same conclusion: the most valuable writing coaching is fully personalized based on your unique goals.
As a benchmark, you can expect us to charge $500/hour for Zoom coaching and $250/hour for asynchronous feedback. We also offer some package deals.
Below are 12 examples of ways people have used our writing coaching service, followed by a way to get in touch!
Use cases for our writing coaching:
Write of Passage founder David Perell used our service for 3 years while building Write Of Passage. We helped him conceptualize and write ~12 of his essays, starting from the blank page. We also helped create key components of the WOP course.
Carbon Health CEO Eren Bali raised more than $300M using a 40-page memo that we helped write from end to end.
Nuclear energy proponent Brian Gitt used our writing coaching to build his personal brand up from zero followers to tens of thousands. The brand he’s built with our support has brought him many opportunities to speak before audiences and meet with influential decision-makers.
Farnam Street founder & bestselling author Shane Parrish acknowledged our depth of contribution at the end of his bestselling book, Clear Thinking: “They spent so much time editing and transforming my sentences that some sections of my book are as much theirs as mine.”
Maven CEO Gagan Biyani used our service to write a series of Twitter threads and blog posts that helped him establish a highly visible personal brand.
Author & speaker Coleman Hughes benefitted from our guidance and feedback to craft ironclad arguments for his first book, The End Of Race Politics.
CourseKey CEO and Thiel Fellow Luke Sophinos used our service when he got stuck for 6 months trying to fill an important executive role. We designed an exercise to help him find the best way to tell the company’s story, and within 30 days, he was able to fill the role with an ideal candidate.
Owner.com CEO and Thiel Fellow Adam Guild does a lot of writing as the CEO of a fast-growing fully remote company. He’s workshopped countless documents with us to communicate with employees, customers, investors, and prospective hires. He’s a fan of our COMPOSE shorthand for the writing process and uses it to collaborate with us efficiently.
Author Nir Eyal worked with us to get un-stuck from a writing rut and create a few of his most popular blog posts in 2021.
Author Derek Sivers benefitted from our high-level guidance when writing How To Live.
Author Matt Lerner woked with us from start to finish on his book Growth Levers. His book has outsold 99% of books on Amazon, hit bestseller lists in 4 countries, and earned him many messages of gratitude from strangers.
Floodgate Fund CEO Mike Maples, Jr. initially sought guidance and support from us for his company’s web content. He published the content that we created together. Later, he re-engaged us to collaborate on his forthcoming book, Pattern Breakers. Most recently, he emailed us to say, “I’ll be forever grateful to you for helping me pursue the truth.”
Want to learn more?
Fill in the blanks below, and Ellen will email you.
You’re also welcome to email ellen@altamira.studio.